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The Best 13 Chest Workout Routines for All Levels

    chest workout routines

    Best chest day workouts

    For me, and I think for most of those who train, the chest workout routine is the most important one. Who else does not want huge, strong and great looking pecs? When I started working out as a teenager, I was always dreaming about having huge upper body the like boybuilders have in the gym.

    Hence, I spend most of my time working my chest muscles. I was a beginner and I did not know that quality over quantity is the main factor for bodybuilding. Then, one of the guys taught how to do the exercises correctly, which are the most important ones, and he made me a chest exercise routine with proper sets and reps. I followed it and the next summer I as walking on the beach happily.

    These days I do chest workouts at home without equipment, mainly different pushup variations to work that muscle group. But I’m so used to weight training that once a month I do bench presses with barbell and dumbbells. I believe that these compound exercises are useful to improve strength.

    There are many chest plans for mass and definition out there. You can find the best ones below. A routine is beneficial if it works all parts of the pectoralis that is the inner, outer, lower the upper part.

    Hence, it is essential to do a wide range of exercises and regularly change your routine to stimulate the muscles more effectively. Besides you need to increase the weight and perform the moves correctly. If you follow these simple tips, you are going to have a bigger pecs for sure.

    I have just found this great PDF which was made by and it includes the best chest workout routines for beginners, intermediate, and maybe advanced bodybuilders. The best is you can find not only plans but also learn how you should do the activities correctly.

    Under the presentation, you can find more advice and my comments.

    Quick Overview of the Chest Workout Routines

    1. Beginner Routine

    If you are a beginner, the aim is to learn how to do the movements accurately and make your body accustomed to the moves.

    In my opinion for building mass and strength the most efficient movements are the ones we do with free weights. But for beginners it is the harder since more control is required. In order to prepare your muscles for free weight training, you should do bodyweight exercises with no weights such as push-ups and dips.

    Besides, use machines that do not need so much control like pullover and peck deck fly. Don’t forget it is enough to train your chest once a week to allow them time to recover.

    Related: How to build pecs without weights

    After some weeks, you can continue with the recommended exercises such as decline barbell press, smith machine incline press and of course bench press. Though, it is important to use weights which you can handle comfortably and allow you to perform the movements precisely. Also for making the right reps and sets.

    Related: Barbell Chest Exercises Guide – All You Need to Know

    I have to mention that dipping is also important. It works triceps and shoulders which help to handle bigger weights and support the motion controlling. It is an important exercise for calisthenics.

    2. Fast Routine – How to get pecs fast

    Most of the people think that the more time they spend with working a body part, the better. Believe it or not a 15 minute workout can be enough. You just need to use the right type of exercises and make it intense.

    This routine is a good example. By using a fitness ball, you can add an extra resistance to the moves and dumbbells work the pecs from a different angles providing a wider range of motion. On top of that, these moves work your abs and shoulders well.

    Related: How to have chest workout with dumbbells

    3. Chest Training at Home

    Do you have a bench at home a barbell, dumbbells, and some weight? Then, you have everything to have an excellent workout at home for mass and strength. I believe no other machines are wanted to have huge upper body. If you have kettlebells, you can try these exercises as well.

    bodyweight chest and triceps circuit

    Complete chest workout plan with bodyweight exercises

    4. Dexter’s Workout

    This routine is recommended by Dexter Jackson. For mass he does flat bench press and incline machine press. He sculptures his pectoralis with cable crossover and dumbbell flye which is useful to stretch muscles and makes your pecs looking wider.

    5. – 6. Omar’s and Nassar’s Workout – Best workout for chest mass with dumbbells

    These guys mainly use dumbbells for building strength and mass. I’m a big fan of dumbbell exercises since they need more control and focusing working more muscles at once. The moves are also more natural and provide a wider range of motion and resistance. Omar’s workout is a high rep one (10-15) so it is ideal for toning and cutting your pecs.

    7. Best Upper Chest Workout

    As you see the exercises made on an incline bench work the upper part of the pectoralis better. Watch the video below for more tips on how to build the muscles of your upper pecs.


    8. Lower Chest Routine

    Working out on decline bench develops the lower part of the pectoralis muscles. I used to do decline barbell and dumbbell presses, and they helped a lot. Watch the video for suggestions for building muscles of your lower pecs.


    9. How to Increase Your Bench Press

    Who else does not want to lift more? This routine is a good example routine about how to achieve bigger lifts. On the other hand, heavyweight lifters have many tricks for better performing. Just watch the video. These suggestions will help you to gain mass and strength for sure. Here you can find unique tips to boost your bench press.


    The 10. workout is another efficient, quick workout that uses the power of dumbbells and a Swiss ball.

    The 11. routine is for the Smith machine lowers. To tell the truth, I did not use that machine, I preferred free weights. Although, it lets us handle bigger weights so it valuable for strength and mass development. I believe workouts for chest day should always include a free weight lifts.

    The 12. program helps to define the muscles, so it is maybe suitable for competitors. Thanks to the high repetitions this plan is useful to get lean muscles and to get cut.

    The 13. plan is a more advanced one since you need to exhaust muscles with lighter weights and activities at fist. Then you continue with harder ones. It is surely sufficient to add some variety to your chest training.

    That’s all folks! I think, within this list almost everybody can find a complete chest workout program that suits his needs. I hope you will find the one that will be beneficial for you.


    What are best chest exercises for men?

    It is hard to tell since each of us have different body type and genetics, but there is no question that bench press is the most beneficial one. From machines the peck deck works the best.

    Read this study: What are the Most Efficient Chest Exercises

    How to build a bigger chest?

    If you want to gain mass, you should lift heavier weights and with that do less reps. Also, make compound exercises such as bench press and its variations for size.

    Are there female chest routines?

    Absolutely! Ladies should do almost the same moves as men.

    Read this post: Best Chest Exercises for Women

    How to get a big chest fast?

    Here are some really useful tips.


    How did Arnold Schwarzenegger train his chest?

    Arnold had an old school program with free weights and dips but it was enough for him to get killer pecs. See the chart below.

    arnold chest growth workout routine

    Complete chest workout routine from Arnold | Via:

    What about supersets?

    Doing supersets is an excellent way to keep your training intense and to stimulate your muscles in a different way. It really helps you to get ripped. Download sample routines here.

    How can I improve the explosive power of my upper body?

    Do plyometric exercises such as clap push ups.

    What is your routine? Which is the best? Share your thoughts below.

    Did you find best chest workout plan  for you? Don’t forget to share with your friends.


    James Wright

    James (36) has been working out since he was 15 years old. He has a home gym where he pumps iron, does bodyweight workouts and boxing. He likes sharing his experiences with others who want to build a better physique.

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