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Glute Stretches for Lower Back Pain

    Lower back pain is the most prevalent pain reported in the US, especially in adults.

    Glute Stretches for Lower Back Pain

    According to research, 25% of adults in the US report suffering from lower back pain within the last three months of the study.

    While the more acute lower back pain requires medical care and drugs, milder pains can be alleviated by some exercises and stretches.

    Here are four glute stretches for lower back pain alleviation: 

    • Child’s Pose 
    • Glute stretch (Knee-to-chest)
    • Downward-facing dog 
    • Seated Figure 4 Stretch

    If you suffer from lower back pain or know someone who struggles with this issue, reading this article can be extremely helpful for you.

    In the remainder of this article, we’ll go through back pain and its underlying causes.

    We’ll also introduce and explain some beneficial stretches for lower back pain to help reduce your pain.


    Lower Back Pain, Symptoms, and Causes ?

    Lower Back Pain, Symptoms, and Causes 

    Lower back pain (or lumbar region pain) refers to the pain one feels in the back area that begins below the ribcage.

    This pain can vary from mild to chronic. Sometimes it’s so severe that it becomes hard or even impossible to walk, work, sleep, or do the daily activities.

    This kind of pain is very common, and almost everybody experiences it at some point in their life – nearly four out of five people. See more in our post exercise ball stretches for lower back.

    Glow of good health

    The pain can appear gradually or suddenly – sudden pain is usually acute – which often happens during daily activities or sports and lifting heavy objects.

    However, in most cases, it gets better and gradually goes away on its own.

    If it doesn’t get better within 72 hours, a medical professional should examine the patient and prescribe the proper treatment.

    Lower back pain that continues for more than three months is considered chronic and requires medical care. 


    Symptoms of Lower back Pain

    Lower back pain symptoms can vary from a mild, dull ache to a sharp, stabbing feeling that sometimes extends to your bottom or the back of your legs.

    Symptoms of lower back pain

    The pain can appear suddenly or gradually, getting worse in specific positions, like when you bend over.

    Here are some other symptoms of lower back pain that helps you recognize it better:


    Posture Issues

    People who suffer from lower back pain usually find it hard to stand upright and straight. In this case, they’ll bend over, or in other words, stand “crooked.” 

    Their torso often goes off to the side rather than being aligned with their spine, and their lower back may look flat instead of having a natural, curved shape. 



    It’s difficult for people with lower back pain to move around or straighten their back, and it’s usually hard for them to get up from a seated position.

    Back Stiffness

    They also often feel like their body is stiff and needs some stretching to loosen up.

    And it’s not uncommon to experience a reduced range of motion. 


    Muscle Strain and Spasm

    Muscle strain leading to lower back pain is usually due to heavy lifting or extreme exercise. 

    When lower back muscles strain, they may spasm or contract uncontrollably. 

    These muscle spasms can lead to severe pain and make it hard to stand upright, walk, or move.

    However, sometimes the tiny disks that protect the space between vertebrae (small bones in the spine) bulge or break, leading to pressure on a nerve. 

    If the sciatic nerve is put under pressure, its pain runs from your buttocks down to one of your legs; this condition is called sciatica. 


    Causes of Lower Back Pain

    Causes of Lower Back Pain

    Lower back pain can happen for various reasons, from injuries and diseases to health problems.

    Here are the leading causes of lower back pain:


    Back Strains

    Back strain is the most prevalent cause of lower back pain.

    When you lift something heavy or don’t lift it safely and correctly, you can injure your muscles, tendons, or ligaments. 

    In some cases, people can strain their back just by sneezing, coughing, bending over, or twisting.



    Fractures can cause back pain

    Sometimes, bones in your spine break during an accident, such as a fall or car crash.

    In such cases, some conditions like spondylolysis or osteoporosis increase the risk of fracture, and when it happens, sudden and severe back pain will be inevitable.


    Disk Problems

    As mentioned before, jelly-filled disks in your spine act as cushions to protect the vertebrae.

    If they bulge and press on a nerve, you’ll feel extreme lower back pain.

    These disks may also tear (called herniated disk) or become flat with age, providing less protection (degenerative disk disease) which can cause back pain. 



    Arthritis cause back pain

    The most widespread type of arthritis that causes lower back pain is osteoarthritis.

    Ankylosing spondylitis is another type that can lead to lower back pain plus inflammation and feeling stiff in the spine.


    Structural Problems

    A specific structural issue called Spinal stenosis occurs when the spinal column is too narrow for the cord.

    If something pinches the spinal cord, it can lead to severe sciatic area problems and lower back pain. 

    Another condition called Scoliosis (or curvature of the spine) can also cause lower back pain, stiffness, and difficulty moving.


    Risk factors ?

    Risk factors for lower back pain

    Lower back pain is widespread, and it can appear in almost everybody.

    However, some people are more susceptible than others.

    Let’s see what risk factors are involved in the appearance of lower back pain.

    • Age: People older than 30 are more likely to experience lower back pain. Disks wear away over the years and as a person ages. Consequently, stiffness and pain in the lower back appear.
    • Weight: Obese people or those with extra pounds are also more susceptible to lower back pain because this excess weight increases the pressure on joints and disks.
    • General health and lifestyle: Weak abdominal or back muscles can’t support the spine, resulting in back strains and sprains. Also, smoking, drinking alcohol, and having a sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk of back pain.
    • Job: Some occupations that involve heavy lifting or bending can increase the probability of lower back pain.
    • Mental health: Lower back pain can sometimes result from depression and anxiety. 


    Glute Stretches for Lower Back Pain ?‍♂️

    Glute Stretches for Lower Back Pain tips

    If you suffer from lower back pain or are worried about someone who suffers from this condition, you can relieve the pain by doing simple stretches. 

    However, if your pain is chronic or you think it may be due to a more serious underlying condition, it’s better to consult your healthcare provider.

    Here are four amazing stretches that can relieve lower back pain:


    Child’s Pose 

    In this yoga pose, you gently stretch your glute and thigh muscles plus the spinal extensors.

    This pose is very beneficial in relieving the pain and tension along the spine and loosening the stiff lower back muscles.  

    To do this stretch, kneel on the ground and sit on your knees that are slightly apart.

    Then lean forward while your buttocks are resting on your heels.

    Now, pull your arms in front of you with palms on the floor.

    Rest your forehead on your arms and inhale and exhale at least eight times or 1 minute.

    Remember to breathe slowly and deeply. 


    Downward-facing Dog 

    Downward-facing Dog  for back pain

    Downward Dog is one of the most cherished yoga poses that engages all the muscles along your spine.

    This exercise is an excellent stretch for activating your glutes and enables you to push them a bit further. 

    A downward-facing dog is very helpful in relieving sciatica pain, too. 

    To do this traditional yoga pose, get on your hands and knees.

    Let your hands be slightly in front of your shoulders and knees under the hips.

    Now raise your knees and lift your tailbone toward the ceiling. 

    To add more hamstring stretch, you can gently pull your heels toward the ground. Hold it for 5-10 breaths and repeat it several times. 

    It’s recommended to use a yoga mat as a cushion and reduce pressure on your joints and back muscles.

    These top three yoga mats are excellent to cushion for your joints.

    They are made of eco-friendly and moisture-resistant material.

    You can order them on Amazon at affordable prices. 




    Seated Figure 4 Stretch

    This stretch affects your Piriformis, hip rotator muscles directly connected to your low back; if they’re weak, your risk of lower back pain increases. 

    Sit on a chair with a straight back and cross one of your ankles on the other leg’s knee, on the ground.

    Now it should look like figure four. You can use gentle pressure on the knee of the elevated leg but remember it shouldn’t hurt.

    Keep it for around 30 seconds to 2 minutes, and then switch the legs.


    Glute Stretch (Knee-to-chest)

    Glute Stretch (Knee-to-chest)

    This stretch loosens up and strengthens the muscles in your hips, thighs, and especially glutes. 

    Strong glutes allow you to use them for lifting heavy items instead of back muscles. 

    To perform this stretch, lie back on the floor with outstretched legs.

    Now draw one of your knees into your chest and grab it with your hands.

    Hold it for about 30 to 60 seconds, then switch the legs and Repeat. 


    Here’s a helpful video to watch and learn how to do the stretches correctly:


    Final Words ?

    Body reflection

    Lower back pain can be very annoying and negatively affect your daily life.

    While some of its risk factors, such as age and hereditary health conditions, are out of control, others can be changed, such as weight or lifestyle.

    The glute stretches recommended in this article can strengthen your lower back muscles and alleviate pain.

    Try them out today.

    Don’t forget to like and share this article. 


    James Wright

    James (36) has been working out since he was 15 years old. He has a home gym where he pumps iron, does bodyweight workouts and boxing. He likes sharing his experiences with others who want to build a better physique.

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